
About Herman Melville

Herman Melville was born in New York City on August 1, 1819, and raised in upstate New York. After his merchant father, Allan, died, leaving the family in ...

作者-Melville, Herman

查詢關鍵字: Melville, Herman · Moby Dick; or, The Whale · Moby Dick; or, The Whale · Bartelby and Benito Cereno · Typee · Typee: A Romance of the South Seas.

作者-Herman Melville

您最近找過 · 查詢關鍵字: Herman Melville · Moby Dick · Moby Dick; Or, The Whale (電子書) · Moby-Dick · Moby-Dick · Macmillan(Upper): Moby Dick · Penguin 2 (Ele): ...

Herman Melville | Books, Facts, & Biography

American novelist, short-story writer, and poet, best known for his novels of the sea, including his masterpiece, Moby Dick (1851).

Herman Melville (Author of Moby-Dick or, The Whale)

Herman Melville was an American novelist, short story writer, and poet of the American Renaissance period. Among his best-known works are Moby-Dick (1851); ...

The Life of Herman Melville | American Experience | Official Site

Born to a New York City merchant in 1819, Melville fought for a greatness that would not be realized during his lifetime. Melville's father supported his seven ...

Herman Melville

Novelist, short story writer, and poet Herman Melville is best known for his novels of the sea, especially Moby-Dick and Billy Budd. Though his poetry is ...


靴曼梅爾維爾 ( 粵拼:hoe1 maan6 mui4 ji5 wai4 ji5 ) (英文:Herman Melville;1819年8月1號—1891年9月28號)美國小說家,短篇小說作家同美國文藝復興時期詩人。


赫爾曼·梅爾維爾(Herman Melville,—1891年9月28日)是美國小說家、散文家和詩人,也擔任過水手、教師,最著名的作品是《白鯨記》。其作品《泰皮》(Typee)獲得 ...


HermanMelvillewasborninNewYorkCityonAugust1,1819,andraisedinupstateNewYork.Afterhismerchantfather,Allan,died,leavingthefamilyin ...,查詢關鍵字:Melville,Herman·MobyDick;or,TheWhale·MobyDick;or,TheWhale·BartelbyandBenitoCereno·Typee·Typee:ARomanceoftheSouthSeas.,您最近找過·查詢關鍵字:HermanMelville·MobyDick·MobyDick;Or,TheWhale(電子書)·Moby-Dick·Moby-Dick·Macmillan(Upper):MobyDick·Penguin2(Ele):...